The Truth About Amendment #439



  • Endangers health and safety and allows unlicensed individuals to make medical judgments for a woman in a critical situation.
  • Forces taxpayers to fund abortions even if they have strongly held convictions against doing so. 
  • Allows paid abortionists to determine viability and perform elective abortions up to the moment of birth.
  • “All persons” have a right to abortion, which allows abusive men to force a woman to have an abortion against her will.
  • Subjects women and medical professionals to vague, unscientific standards, putting courts in the middle of the doctor-patient relationship. 
  • Removes commonsense notification protections, taking away parents’ ability to protect the well-being of their minor daughter.
  • Empowers child predators and human traffickers to continue their abuse in the shadows by forcing abortions without parents or law enforcement being notified. 
  • Lets unlicensed individuals – not physicians – make medical decisions for vulnerable minors.
  • Doesn’t have exceptions for rape or incest.

Paid for by Protect Women and Children, 1317 Q St., Ste. 110, PMB 287, Lincoln, NE 68508.